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Thursday, March 11, 2010

The $10000 Sculpture

Artist Caleb Larsen says that the dollar bill acceptor is "a symbol of self-serve retail transactions." In the piece called The $10000 Sculpture (In Progress) the dollar bill acceptor shows up dismembered, not attached to any vending machine, but installed in an otherwise blank wall, with no indication of what it is for, nor what will be provided in exchange. In presenting the acceptor this way, Larsen exploits expectations about mechanisms used for transactions and the work makes a comment on our relationships with them. Despite offering nothing in return, one is tempted to (and many do) put a dollar in just to see what happens, or for the pleasure of having the dollar mechanically eaten by the mouth of the machine. In this way, the art may show there is some compulsion, or some pleasure, associated with interacting with the device, beyond the exchange that is usually made.

A second facet of the work is that it involves a contract between the owner/curator and the artist that stipulates donation of any money collected. In this way, Larsen further challenges the meaning of ownership, as it comes to mean an acceptance of responsibility, and a decision to enter into an ongoing relationship with the artist.

See this and more of Caleb Larsen's work at

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